Monday, October 1, 2012

Docomo helps commuters with one-handed smartphone/tablet use

Docomo helps commuters with one-handed smartphone/tablet use

[CEATEC 2012] It is usually frowned upon to talk on the phone when using public transport, but the same can't be said when it comes to using your phones for other purposes. Well, Docomo has come up with some new ways to help commuters use their mobile devices when they've got one hand holding onto the rail (or bags) and only one hand free. First up is a solution called Grip UI. During the demonstration, they outfitted an Android smartphone with a bunch of sensors on the side of the phone. These sensors can detect the pressure from your hand that's holding the phone and can let you operate it differently.
Docomo helps commuters with one-handed smartphone/tablet use

Ubergizmo , Docomo helps commuters with one-handed smartphone/tablet use, Docomo helps commuters with one-handed smartphone/tablet use