![Steve Wozniak waits in line for Apple's new iPad [video] Steve Wozniak waits in line for Apple's new iPad [video]](http://www.wareground.com/images/400/steve_wozniak_waits_in_line_for_apples_new_ipad_video.jpg)
. WhatsTrending found Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak waiting in line for his new iPad at the Century City Mall in Los Angeles. “My wife was the first , I was the second,” said Woz. “We came at about noon. We're used to Northern California where the stores lines start early.” Of course the co-founder could simply receive the tablet directly from Apple, however Wozniak believes waiting in line has become somewhat of a ritual. “It's not something that I have to do. Nobody needs to wait in line. You can pre-order... But I'd rather be there genuine like the real people.
Boy Genius Report, Steve Wozniak waits in line for Apple's new iPad [video]