Monday, October 8, 2012

Microsoft mistakenly asks Google to block CNN, Wikipedia and U.S. Govt sites, among others

Microsoft mistakenly asks Google to block CNN, Wikipedia and U.S. Govt sites, among others

. Microsoft (MSFT) routinely asks Google (GOOG) to remove links from its search engine for webpages that display or distribute copyrighted material. While a majority of these sites tend to be piracy sites and torrent-hosting domains, sometimes even innocent and legitimate sites get caught in the mix. The problem is that many of these copyright holders use automated systems to identify and inform Google and other sites of infringements.

Boy Genius Report , Microsoft mistakenly asks Google to block CNN, Wikipedia and U.S. Govt sites, among others

See also:
gadgetsblog, Microsoft mistakenly asks Google to block CNN, Wikipedia and U.S. Govt sites, among others