Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Elektron announces Analog Four synthesizer, spends the naming budget on viral teaser (video)

Elektron announces Analog Four synthesizer, spends the naming budget on viral teaser (video)

Elektron makes button-heavy synths and samplers, it also makes great teaser videos. If you needed any proof, then its newest offering, Analog Four (and accompanying video), should be plenty. This time, we have a little exclusive advanced info to go with it. The latest box of sonic tricks is a four voice analog synth (with two analog oscillators each), comes with an internal step-sequencer, plus multiple LFOs and the usual array of filters and effects.

Engadget , Elektron announces Analog Four synthesizer, spends the naming budget on viral teaser (video), Elektron announces Analog Four synthesizer, spends the naming budget on viral teaser (video)