Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23

Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23

Special Evangelion business accessories will be available though Haruyama Trading, one of the major Japanese business suit chain stores. They announced that they will open a special “HARUYAMAxEVANGELION: 3.0 Akihabara EVENT STORE” where these items will be available for a limited time (June 2 – June 23).
Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23

Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23

Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23

Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23

Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23

Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23

Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23

Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23

Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23

Akihabara News , Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23, Haruyama x Evangelion - Manga series teams with leading salaryman suit store for special series of dress shirts, ties, cuff links and tiepins - available for a limited time: June 1 - June 23